The adventures of a Westcoast boy and a Midwestern Jewish girl as they discover the truth beneath the myths of the South, embrace rural life by starting a sustainable farm, and learn how to teach sociology.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

At least we aren't (insert state name here)

Many of you have probably finished that sentence with Mississippi. After all, Mississippi ranks last in terms of things such as median family income, percent of people with a high school diploma or GED, number of visits to the dentist, and seat belt use. We are also ranked first in terms of obesity, lynchings, child death rate, and the percent living in poverty. And, when we aren't first or last, we're usually pretty close.

The past few weeks have brought to my attention a couple of instances when I finally get to fill in the blank!

1: At least we aren't Alabama: I am a very competitive person and have been known to get quite loud during a game of Taboo and to nearly blow a gasket over Trivial Pursuit. I also love college football. But even with my borderline unhealthy competitiveness I can't imagine doing what Harvey Updike did. Brief summary: this guy, a University of Alabama fan, poisoned 2 135 year old live oak trees because they are where Auburn University fans go to celebrate. Click here for a story. As an interesting follow up, 3 defense attorney's have had to say no to taking the case because they are Auburn fans.

2. At least we aren't Kentucky: A professor at Murray State recently "retired" after he told an African-American student she was late to class because slaves were often late to protest their master's treatment. Here's a story about this.

This map shows lots of other categories in which Mississippi is not the worst.

In other news, Phil has started seeds for the spring planting. His lack of a greenhouse is making things a little difficult, but he's managing (by using our dinning area and some row covers outside). The lettuce is doing very well, but other things are struggling a bit. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed that artichokes will make it. We've also learned that our soil is even worse (i.e. more clayey) than we anticipated so vegetables with deep roots probably aren't going to do well this year.

We are also pleased to report that everyone survived Evvy's first three months. She is solidly in the smiling and cooing stage and we are solidly in love. She has also discovered her hands, is making great strides in sitting up, and is reading at the third grade level.

Here are a few pictures. Forgive us for all the similar shots-we just couldn't pick because she's so damn cute!
goin on 3mos

Thursday, February 3, 2011

You are what you drive

While many of you saw yet another blizzard and are facing growing snow banks and covered sidewalks and roads we have our own pile of *$(% on the horizon. The glorious state of Mississippi is issuing a series of 5 license plates to "commemorate the sesquicentennial of War Between the States. The tags are sponsored by the Mississippi Division of the Sons of Confederate Veterans. The 2011 SCV license plate will feature Beauvoir, Jefferson Davis' last home, located in Biloxi. Officials say there will be a Battle of Corinth design for 2012, Siege of Vicksburg design for 2013, General Nathan B. Forrest design for 2014 and Confederate veterans tribute in 2015. The revenues collected on SCV plates go to the preservation of original Confederate battle flags in the custody of the Mississippi Department of Archive and History and to the restoration of Beauvoir."

I am quoting the Associate Press. This is also how it was discussed on NPR (they probably just read this news brief).

I will let you try to think of all the many reasons this irritates me.

But, enough of that. I'm sure you all really came here to see pictures of this southern beauty:
Evvy--up to 2 months

And for those who are interested in statistics: At her two month check up Evelyn was 23 inches (90th percentile) long and weighed 9 lb 10 oz (25th percentile). Definitely her father's daughter.

Here's where you can see how she's grown:
Evvy and her orangutan. Watch me grow!