This picture is from the middle of our driveway looking towards the "house."
That big tree on the left is a pecan tree!
This picture is from another spot.
This picture is from another spot.
Welcome to our blog! When we told people we were moving to
The aim of this blog is to keep you, our family and friends, updated on our life and experiences during this adventure. That means it might get kind of boring at times. It also means that we’re going to post whatever we feel like posting. You’ll likely get pictures of the house and farm as they start to take shape, our musings on life in a small southern town, recaps of our athletic adventures, and probably a little complaining too (it is us after all). We hope to post at least once a week, probably more if there are big exciting things happening (like the homecoming parade this weekend!).
Why did we call this blog “Challahs From the Old Well?” If you don’t know what a challah is, use that new-fangled intra-web that you’re on and do the google to it. If you haven’t had Sarah’s mom’s challah, then your life isn’t complete. Challah, pronounced with a deep gurgled h and not like cheese, comes from grain. Grain is grown on farms. On our farm there is an old Civil War-era well. So, this blog is just us, hollering up from our farm every now and then with our insights and reflections and maybe even a little nourishment. So, would a blog by any other name smell as sweet? Probably, but we like this one so we’re stickin’ to it.