The adventures of a Westcoast boy and a Midwestern Jewish girl as they discover the truth beneath the myths of the South, embrace rural life by starting a sustainable farm, and learn how to teach sociology.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Breakin' ground. House: Day 1

We have dirt! Four days with no rain meant our builder, Davey, could finally get started. Woo hoo! As of today they’ve cleared the driveway and the house site. Dirt down here is dark clay which is apparently not what you want under your house, so Davey also trucked in a bunch of red dirt to put on top of the dirt that was already there. Of course, it’s supposed to rain for the next 2 days, so who knows when the foundation will get poured…

This picture is from the middle of our driveway looking towards the "house."

That big tree on the left is a pecan tree!

This picture is from another spot.


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