The adventures of a Westcoast boy and a Midwestern Jewish girl as they discover the truth beneath the myths of the South, embrace rural life by starting a sustainable farm, and learn how to teach sociology.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Again, why?

To follow up on yesterday's post...why it's good for us that we're straight.

1 comment:

  1. well...this was just a big mistake that's going to haunt the school system that made it.

    But, I'd say there's a very hopeful sign in this story, voiced by McMillen:

    "My daddy told me that I needed to show them that I'm still proud of who I am," McMillen told The Associated Press in a telephone interview.

    Let the press and the process take their course, whatever that might be. But there's a young individual who feels support from where it's very important to feel supported: family.

    Regardless, something has changed. ...more change happening there than in Carrboro...
