The adventures of a Westcoast boy and a Midwestern Jewish girl as they discover the truth beneath the myths of the South, embrace rural life by starting a sustainable farm, and learn how to teach sociology.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Going Rogue
Evelyn, taking the stuffed animal world by storm:
And, with her orangutan and some other things at 7 months. Sorry the picture quality isn't that great--but there some cute faces in there.
PHIL (the thinker): burned out social worker turned small farmer; addicted to books; ironically loathes technology; the non-competitive half of this team; tall...
AKA: Clifford, Tall Guy, Fezzik.
************************************SARAH (the doer): sociologist; gregarious; addicted to reality television; competitive half of this team; shorter...
AKA: Biscuit, Shyrpa
I love the hair.